February's MSUSD Outstanding Service Award. We are very appreciative of your services ❤️
10 months ago, Holly Castaneda
MSE - Evonne Ellis
Sisson - Sherry Zandona
Congratulations February Students of the Month 🐻💙✨
10 months ago, Holly Castaneda
February Students of the Month with Board Members
Lucy Borgen
Rotary Student - Rocco Reynolds
Raymond Holub
Julian Rivera
Jenna Walker
Van James
Kenzie Tuggle
Emmy Bainbridge
You are invited to the Mount Shasta Union Elementary School District Governing Board: SPECIAL Board Meeting on February 13, 2024, Open Session at 5:30 PM, located at Sisson School, 601 E Alma St, Mt. Shasta, Room U-20 (next to library), You can view the agenda by clicking the link provided or visit, Live Feed of our website. https://5il.co/2enba
11 months ago, Holly Castaneda
You are invited to the Mount Shasta Union Elementary School District Governing Board: Regular Board Meeting on February 13, 2024. Closed Session will begin at 6:00 PM and Open Session at 7:00 PM, located at Sisson School, 601 E Alma St, Mt. Shasta, Room U-20 (next to library), You can view the agenda by clicking the link provided or visit, Live Feed of our website. https://5il.co/2ej9f
11 months ago, Holly Castaneda
Flu signs, symptoms, and suggestions.
11 months ago, Tami Beall
Hello MSUSD Families: Due to the increase in illness within our district and advice from public health, tomorrow, Feb. 9, will be a non-school day for all students to help prevent the spread of illness. We will make this instructional day up on June 10th. If you would like to pick your child up early today, you are welcome to do so at this time. Stay healthy!
11 months ago, Tami Beall
no school Friday
Please fill out a survey seeking input on your interest in an alternative educational program within MSUSD. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPRwQeFuyD4KAmPHsmb2cknxzU_y4afHvVzcSZ5ByBuVACQg/viewform?usp=sf_link
11 months ago, Tami Beall
You are invited to the MOUNT SHASTA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board: Special Board Meeting | 1/30/2023 - 09:30 AM | Sisson School, Room U-20 (next to library), 601 E Alma St, Mt. Shasta | For the agenda click following link: https://5il.co/2dm3v
11 months ago, Holly Castaneda
Students of the Month for January! 💙
11 months ago, Tami Beall
Save for college! See CalKIDS Investment and Development Savings Program! 💵 https://calkids.org
11 months ago, Tami Beall
cal kids
You are invited to the MOUNT SHASTA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board: Regular Meeting | 1/16/2023 - 07:00 PM | Sisson School, Room U-20 (next to library), 601 E Alma St, Mt. Shasta | Closed Session - 6:30 PM/Open Session - 7:00 PM For the agenda click following link: https://5il.co/2ce2g
12 months ago, Holly Castaneda
"Lunch on the Snow" at MSE is cancelled today due to icy conditions on the playground. We will see you next time!. 🍎
12 months ago, Tami Beall
2024 Regular Board Meetings
12 months ago, Holly Castaneda
2024 Regular Board Meetings
Have you ever heard anybody say, “The school just wants my child there for the money!?” Other than us wanting the students to learn, they couldn’t be more correct! Schools are funded on our average daily attendance (ADA) for each district. When our ADA is high, we receive more funding. When it is low, we receive less funding. ADA funding is what our budget is composed of. With a low ADA, decisions have to be made that ultimately affect keeping staff. It is that simple, albeit sad. All educational studies surrounding effectiveness and success at school show staff as the biggest impact in a child’s education. Did you know that you can send your child to school for a partial day? The child will still receive credit for attendance, and the school will receive ADA funding. For example, if they have an appointment at 9:00 am, send them to school until 8:50 am. Doing so will also allow your child to check in with the teacher, gather work needed for that day, and help your child feel connected. As far as illness, we follow the CDPH guidelines, outlined here. chrome-extension://bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html or visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/11_ZDRrOoFpwsaH2zK4s5_RzF6OpO4FLf/edit We hope this helps to inform our families that attendance is important for your child’s educational development, as well as for staffing and services provided in our district. Together, we can provide the best educational experience for your child, increase our ADA, keep our class sizes small, offer programs and services, and keep teachers/staff employed.
12 months ago, Tami Beall
Good evening, MSUSD families. While the high school does not have school tomorrow due to a staff in-service day, we DO have school. The staff is eager to see all of our students tomorrow. We can't wait to start 2024 together! See you in the morning.
12 months ago, Tami Beall
You are invited to the MOUNT SHASTA UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Governing Board: Regular Meeting | 12/12/2023 - 06:30 PM | Sisson School, Room U-20 (next to library), 601 E Alma St, Mt. Shasta | Closed Session - 6:30 PM/Open Session - 7:00 PM For the agenda click following link: https://simbli.eboardsolutions.com/SB_Meetings/ViewMeeting.aspx?S=36030191&MID=26173
about 1 year ago, Mariella Hines
Our counseling resource page is available should you or someone you know need assistance at any time. We are here for you. https://sites.google.com/msusd.org/msusdschoolcounseling/resources?authuser=0
about 1 year ago, Tami Beall
we care
Congratulations November Students of the Month 💙
about 1 year ago, Holly Castaneda
MSE - Peter Royce
MSE - Reyna Bruce
Sisson - Natalie Schmidt
Sisson - Christopher Sievers
Sisson - Josiah Yniguez
Sisson- Maggie Herfindahl
Sisson - Reed Ritter
Sisson Rotary Student - Iva Unkefer
November Students of the Month with Board Members and MSUSD Staff
Good morning, MSE Families! Happy December. We have two important messages for you. First, due to precipitation in the forecast, we are going to reschedule our Lunch on the Lawn. Next, we are pleased to share that Dr. Holst will be our "Principal of the Day" today! Your children will love to see him in classrooms and roaming the halls. Have a wonderful day! ❤️🤍💚
about 1 year ago, Tami Beall
Looking good, MSE! Congratulations to our now 4th graders for rocking the CAASPP test in math last spring, and to our entire hard-working devoted staff for their excellence! 🌟
about 1 year ago, Tami Beall
math scores