We continue to seek feedback from our students' families as we navigate through these challenging times. Please click this link to take our latest survey. You will need to log in to the survey using your student's MSUSD email account, but your responses will be anonymous. Please reach out to your student's teacher or principal if you need help logging in. https://forms.gle/CLEtyxjADa8SbZ3h7 Continuamos buscando comentarios de las familias de nuestros estudiantes mientras navegamos por estos tiempos desafiantes. Haga clic en este enlace para realizar nuestra última encuesta. Deberá iniciar la sesión en la encuesta utilizando la cuenta de correo electrónico de MSUSD de su estudiante, pero sus respuestas serán anónimas. Comuníquese con el maestro de su estudiante o al director si necesita ayuda para iniciar sesión. Para ayuda en español por favor llamar al 530-926-6007. En Espanol: https://forms.gle/bidP9zqWRtEvcEj8A
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Public Hearing Notice: A public hearing will be held via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95440566137?pwd=NmRmU0MvenJwekxmYlpoalZZcGRHQT09 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. At this hearing, the Mt Shasta Union Elementary School District will hear public comment regarding the following: 1. Sufficiency or Insufficiency of Instructional Material Per Ed Code 60119
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
We will be offering school lunches to all of our students. Please provide your student's name when picking up the meal. If you are qualified to receive free or reduced meals, we can deliver meals to your house if you are not able to pick them up. Please call the school office by Friday at 4:00 pm if you would like a lunch on Monday. Let the office know if you are able to pick up the lunch at Sisson, MSE, or if you qualify for free or reduced meals and you need it delivered.
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Dr. Stutz, our county public health officer, signed and released a document regarding "Health Officer Orders for Siskiyou County Re-opening of Schools" yesterday. You can read the three-page document here: https://5il.co/jutp
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Hello. Here is a link to a letter we're mailing out with general information about distance learning that pertains to each family. You can expect your child's teacher to reach out to you within a day or two with more specific information about your child's class. https://5il.co/jtm0
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Here is the link to Wednesday night's COVID-19 study session with the school board that starts at 6:30 on Wednesday, August 19. Everyone is welcome to attend in a more free-form conversational setting. https://meet.google.com/gbh-pvzw-xxg
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - Special Board Meeting 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ejy-zfde-nkj - Join by phone (US) +1 440-561-6524‬ PIN: ‪323 276 019‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
August 19, 2020 - COVID-19 Study Session Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/gbh-pvzw-xxg Join by phone ‪(US) +1 225-614-2708‬ PIN: ‪346 462 398‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Here is a link to a summary of the responses we received on our late-summer survey. There were 174 responses; thank you to all of you who shared your opinion with us. https://5il.co/jk10
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Please mark your calendars now to join us in one week on Wednesday evening, August 19, at 6:30 for a special study session school board meeting that will focus on the impact COVID-19 will have on student learning in our district. A focus of the meeting will be getting input for our Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. We have posted a link to the blank template of that plan in the Live Feed post preceding this one on each school's web page. Because of the special format of Wednesday's meeting, members of the public will be able to engage in a conversation with board members and staff as we plan on how to move forward. Please reach out to your school's principal if you have any questions in this area; we are all hard at work preparing for a smooth start to the school year.
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Here is a link to the blank template of our Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. This document must be completed and approved by the school board before September 30, 2020. There will be a special study session board meeting on Wednesday, August 19, at 6:30 for the public to provide input into the creation of this document. https://5il.co/jj48
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
August 11, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Open Session 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet:https://meet.google.com/cua-kiqx-vbw Join by phone ‪(US) +1 971-361-9157‬ PIN: ‪923 201 892‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Here is a link to the public notice regarding the proposed adoption of a developer fee justification study and an increase in the statutory school facility fee on new residential and commercial/industrial developments. https://5il.co/isoj
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Now more than ever, we want to know how best to support one another in working together to ensure this is a successful year for everyone. Parent feedback is vital in this process. The link below takes you to a parent/caregiver survey that has questions that were provided by our parent leadership team members as well as staff to give us information to guide our efforts as we plan the startup for this school year. We really appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. Next week, this survery will be available in hard-copy form and translation services will be available. https://forms.gle/m24AQ2c4oN8AQGTdA
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
At last night's board meeting, the board voted to approve the 4-step reopening plan that we posted here recently and also to start in Step 2 as long as the state or local public health officials don't move all schools in the county to full distance learning. While we all want to be back with students in-person as soon as possible, the board's action puts safety at the very center of our efforts. The link to the recording of the board meeting can be found here: https://www.mountshastausd.com/o/mount-shasta-union-school-district/page/school-board-meeting-recordings--2
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
If you'd like to attend tomorrow night's board meeting where the board considers the reopening plan, the link to the meeting is here: https://meet.google.com/xdu-vhoa-vmn
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
The school board will consider adopting the final draft of our four-step reopening plan at Tuesday night's board meeting. The meeting starts at 7:00 tomorrow (July 21). The final draft is here for you to view: https://5il.co/ify5
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
We have been working tirelessly since July 6 on our plans for coming back to school in August. The superintendent has met on multiple occasions with staff members, union leaders, parent leaders elected to the schools' site councils (in addition to those who volunteered to be part of the conversation), and once with the school board. Today, the governor made some significant announcements about reopening schools that we are taking into consideration. The superintendent will present a one-page phased opening matrix to the board for approval this coming Tuesday evening, July 21, at the board meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. You can expect to begin seeing regular updates through these channels as the August 24 start date approaches. We hope you are staying well, and we will keep sending out updates as they arise.
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
July 21, 2020 Regular Board Meeting. 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/xdu-vhoa-vmn?authuser=0 Join by phone (US) +1 530-593-0222‬ PIN: ‪254 723 151‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
A link to the pyramid begin discussued. https://5il.co/i7se
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart