July 13, 2020 Special Board Meeting. 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be conducted via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/mxv-ikhj-xqy?authuser=0 Join by phone ‪(US) +1 567-707-0200‬ PIN: ‪152 517 286‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Click this link for COVID-19-related job opportunities within Siskiyou County: https://5il.co/i6h7
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Click this link for a flyer regarding supportive services for which you may qualify: https://5il.co/i6h6
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Here is a public hearing notice for the July 21 board meeting: https://5il.co/i2rn
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
P-EBT benefit is for students that would usually receive free or reduced price meals. Mount Shasta Farmers’ Market (Mondays, 3:30-6:00 pm on E.Castle street in downtown Mt. Shasta) offers Market Match where you can use these funds. The deadline to apply for P-EBT is July 15, and you can apply here: https://ca.p-ebt.org/en/info. Here is the flyer for the farmers' market: https://5il.co/hmyw
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
June 23, 2020 Board Meeting. This meeting will be conducted via web conference. https://meet.google.com/sxd-bnzb-cfi?authuser=0 Join by phone‪ (US) +1 417-567-4296‬ PIN: ‪488 029 230‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
June 16, 2020 Board Meeting. This meeting will be conducted via web conference. https://meet.google.com/xdu-vhoa-vmn?authuser=0 Join by phone +1 530-593-0222‬ PIN: ‪254 723 151‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Public Hearing Notice 6-23-2020 2020-2021 Budget and Reserve Funding Commitments
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Public Hearing Notice  2020-2021 Budget
Public Hearing Notice
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Public Hearing Notice  2020-2021 Budget
Public Hearing Notice 6-16-2020 Public Disclosure of Salary and Benefit Negotiations with Mount Shasta Elementary Teachers Association (MSETA)
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines
Public Hearing Notice - MSETA
Public Disclosure of Salary and Benefit Negotiations
https://media.oregonstate.edu/media/t/1_d1qomwa1 This link takes you to a 50-minute video that was produced through the Oregon Parenting Education Consortium that a parent shared with me and thought it might be of interest to our families. The video focuses on self-care strategies in the context of this virus and this uniquely stressful time in which we find ourselves.
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages. For more information, please visit: https://caparentyouthhelpline.org/
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Here's a link to the video recording of last night's Google Meet Q & A with the superintendent: https://youtu.be/gyB0hmMbyWE
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
One last post for today - We are excited to share information about a new way of thinking about the school experience that our teachers are embracing for next year. It's called the flipped classroom, and we feel it fits perfectly into a distance learning or blended learning model. The video at this link will give you more information about this concept. Please check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojiebVw8O0g&feature=youtu.be
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Please take this one-question survey about how you envision your child returning to learn in the new school year. Your input is vital to our planning! Thank you. https://forms.gle/9sB9frXLU7MeP3uq5
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
The online Google Meet with the superintendent starts at 7:00 tonight. https://meet.google.com/wib-fzwa-ino
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Tonight the superintendent invites you to another online information session and Q & A opportunity. He will share the latest news from the state, some thoughts regarding next school year, and will let you know how you can become involved in planning. We hope you will be able to attend. Here is the link to the Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/wib-fzwa-ino
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
This week we celebrate our classified employees and their vital contribution to student learning and well being. We have classified members who are feeding our students, cleaning and sanitizing our schools to keep our staff safe, keeping vital office and library services going, delivering meals and learning packets, and assisting our teachers with lesson preparation and student contact during distance learning. We are grateful and celebrate the efforts of our classified employees!
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
Mark your calendars now for the next session of Q & A with the Superintendent - Thursday, May 21, starting at 7:00 via Google Meet. Mr. Barnhart will share information received from today's May Revise of the governor's budget as well as information regarding the status of planning for next school year. We will issue reminders as the event draws closer; here is the link to the Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/wib-fzwa-ino
over 4 years ago, Barry Barnhart
The Regular Board Meeting scheduled for Tuesday May 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be contucted via webconference. https://meet.google.com/pfe-rmcy-cin Join by phone ‪+1 281-940-3087‬ PIN: ‪475 377 914‬#
over 4 years ago, Mariella Hines